Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About Orders

  • How do I enter a Coupon Code?

    If you’re using a mobile device to check out, click on “View” in your cart. A pop-up window for the code will appear – just enter it there and click APPLY. 

    If you’re shopping on a desktop, the Coupon Code field is to the right of where you enter the shipping information. 

    Please note: Gift Card Codes are different from Coupon Codes, and need to be entered in the Payment section, later in the checkout process.

  • How long will it take to process my order?

    Your order will be processed within 1-2 business days, and shipped via UPS on the next business date. (Weekends and holidays do not count as processing or shipping transit days.) 

    Tracking information will be emailed to you automatically – and sent via SMS, if you opt in for text notifications. We highly recommend that you enroll in the free UPS My Choice program, so you can track your wine’s journey to your door.

  • How do I cancel my order, or return wine I don’t want?

    CANCELLATION: We are unable to cancel orders. As soon as your order is confirmed, it is  automatically sent to our warehouse and processed for shipment. In some circumstances, we can "recall" your order from the carrier, but shipping fees will still apply.

    RETURNS: We are unable to accept returned wine for any reason. This includes orders placed in error. 

    Because we aren’t able to guarantee our wine's quality once it leaves our warehouse, undelivered wines cannot be credited, returned, or reshipped.

  • Is there an easy way to send the same order to multiple destinations?

    YES! We can help. Use this spreadsheet to enter shipping information for each recipient, and indicate which item(s) they are getting. Email us the completed spreadsheet at and we'll do the rest!

    If you have different wine selections for your recipients, or you’re sending to three or fewer destinations, you will have to create these as separate orders – one for each recipient.

Wine Club Questions

  • How do I customize the wines in  my shipment?

    We email our wine club members about three weeks before each shipment, to give you time to adjust your account details and your wine selection before the billing and shipment deadlines. Simply log in to your wine club member account through the link in your email, and choose the wines you’d like for the next shipment.

    Please note that we can only accommodate change requests submitted by the deadline in your wine club communication.

  • How do I cancel a wine club shipment?

    If you want to skip a club shipment, we are happy to put a hold on your membership for up to two shipments in a row. Hold requests must be submitted in writing by emailing before the billing deadline stated in your wine club communication email. Please note that while your club shipments are on hold, your club member benefits will also be on hold until your membership is reinstated.  

    If you want to cancel your membership, email your request to before your next shipment’s billing deadline, in order to avoid receiving (and being charged for) that next shipment.

    We are unable to refund any club orders after credit cards have been charged.

Shipping Questions

  • Can you ship wine directly to me?

    Yes, if you’re in AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, KS, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, TX, VT, VA, WA, WI, or WY. 

    Unfortunately, some states (CT, IA, ME, MI, MO) don’t allow direct delivery of our New Zealand wines.

    We cannot ship wine directly to any of these states:

    AL, AR, DE, IN, KY, LA, MS, OK, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, WV.

    We also can not ship wine to P.O. boxes in any state.

  • Can I get my wine delivered even if I’m not home?

    Someone 21 years or older must be available to sign for delivery of your wine – but it doesn’t necessarily have to be you.

    State and federal laws prohibit carriers (UPS) from leaving alcohol packages without obtaining a signature from someone 21 or over.

  • How do I change the time or location of my delivery?

    Once UPS has your box of wine, you need to work directly with them to change these details – and they charge fees for this service. In some circumstances, we might be able to assist you in requesting a change of delivery address, but UPS’s fees will still apply.

  • What happens if my wine is damaged when it arrives?

    If your package is damaged by the shipping carrier, please email the tragic details to us (, along with any photographic evidence you have, and we will help you file a claim.